Silent sentinels
Hadley's Orient Hotel, Hobart, Tasmania
5 October - 5 December 2023
lunawanna-alonnah | Bruny Island, my wild island home … an island on the edge of vastness. A microcosm and a place of duality: rugged shorelines and smoothed beaches; forested mountains and rolling hills; sodden swamps and parched paddocks; wild coast and channel calm.
A place of epic power and also of fragility.
Here exists a swathe of rare, vulnerable and endangered plants, plants that by our heavy foot have been pushed to the very edge of existence. All the specimens depicted in this silversmithed herbarium are at risk on this island.
By creating these works, illuminating these often overlooked and easily disregarded plants, I endeavour to instil a sense of awe and awakening, a search and an embrace of knowledge. A space to question our connections to place.
Let these small sculptures take you on a journey of celebrating the beauty of the delicate plants of this incredible island, while also considering our impact on our landscape.